Saturday, February 13, 2010

10 things to lighten the mood

I first wanna start by saying thanks for the comment Diz, if I had read that sooner I may not have had my episode last night.  Well, I'm not going to make my meeting this morning the roads are just terrible.  I'm so completely bummed.  Last night it started coming down out of nowhere.  I just knew in my heart I was not going to make it to my meeting.  I really wanted to hold on to the hope that I would be going but this sent me into such a depression, so what happened?  I could not stop eating.  I ate my emotional weight in crackers, cheese, special K crisps, my bf's "off limit" chips, ice cream bars.  Omg, I buy the low fat, no sugar, low cal options for all this crap but what difference does that make when you stack it all in a pile and dive in head first.  Well, ok that didn't really happen but its all in a pile at this point.  Ugh.  I'm needing an extra boost for this week already, I can feel it, normally I would get that from my meeting.  I thought about going on Monday but thats not realistic.  Saturday is cheat day, and I look foward to my greasy burger all week.

Now for something different if only to lift my mood a bit and change the tone I'm going to name 10 random things about me. I always love when people put random lists on their blogs, they make me smile.  Doing my own list may be a little harder though.  Here goes.
10 Random Things About Me.

1. I have 2 brothers no sisters- One older one younger.
2. I have a big family and we're really close.  (My Big Fat Greek Wedding comes to mind)  I have 26 first cousins.
3. I am truly very proud that I come from Nova Scotia, its the nicest and coolest province in all of Canada.  People love Nova Scotians all over  the country and people who have traveled there rave about it.  (trust me on this)
4. My first job was as a Cashier at a grocery store and it still remains one of my favorite jobs ever! 
5. I have zero patience for random kids misbehaving in public places.  I glare at them and I have scared a few into submission.
6. If Forrest Gump is on TV - I'm watching it!
7. I will watch a movie on tv with commercials before I would take the dvd out of my cabinet and watch it.
8. I *sigh* a lot and I take a lot of deep breaths.  Its a weird compulsion.  People alway think I'm frustrated.
9. Of all my small accomplishments in life, I'm most proud of being able to call myself a runner. 
10. I will never in this lifetime run a marathon.   I don't get that being a goal for anyone, I'm sorry.  Even if someone can run 15 miles straight, 26.2 is still torture.  People get sick, they bleed from weird places, they're hospitalized... I mean... forget that!

Well that was not so hard, probably not the most important things to me but they were the first random 10 that popped into my head.  I'll have to do that again sometime.  Anyway, so if anyone has some encouraging words for me I could sure use them right now.


Absolutely, Positively Josie said...

cool facts about you! i remember watching forrest gump and crying. such a sweet movie. you're in nc, right? my dad used to live near wilmington. beautiful state. i love asheville.

Diz said...

Girl you can do it! Hang tough! It will get easier, I know what you mean about missing a meeting, I HATE missing meetings because for me their a chance to start over; reboot. So going another week without that reboot is so hard. But you can do it! Put down the "off limit" chips and do some jumping jacks! LOLOL...the "off limit" chips had me laughing so hard. YOU CAN DO THIS. Do some pushups and some sit ups and some jumping jacks. For one, they're all things you can do inside. For another, they will make you feel better and give you the boost you need to quit eating. :)

Love you girl! I'm rooting for you, stay strong and keep us posted on your progress!!!!