Saturday, May 8, 2010

Today I learned...

... that eating a Flamethrower burger from Dairy Queen caused me to wake up looking like a chipmunk who's retaining water.... won't make that mistake again.
... that you should never grab something off the rack based on the size its shows on the hanger.  I pulled a pair of XS pants out of my bag today... how the h*ll did those get in there?
... that my usual run that I thought was 5.5 km is actually 5.84 km and I burned 386 cals.  I love love love my watch.  I promise I will blog about it soon... lol.


Genie @ Diet of 51 said...

Ahhh...burned by the Flameburger... bummer....

Sorry, couldn't resist. That's really good that you've been going farther than you thought, all along. Some kind of a metaphor there?

Have a great day!

Absolutely, Positively Josie said...

sighh dairy queen. i'm so glad the nearest one to me is like 30 miles away. their onion rings are my favorite thing (besides the ice cream), but they're so greasy they will tear you up!
and thank you for your sweet comment on my blog. you know i love you! i admire you because you have DONE it and are DOING it! you are patient and temperate and all-around lovely, friend.