Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Today I learned...

... that veggies burgers & meat substitutes have come a loooooong way.  My bf was worried that I was gonna mix up his chicken burger and my chik'n burger (picture a grimace face).. and when I took a bite I actually thought I did (even thought I knew I didn't) lol.
... that I don't like cauliflower puree as much as I thought I would *humph*.  I've been wanting to try this for months, assuming I would love it, finally made it and was less than impressed.  Oh well, they can't all be homeruns. 
... that I won a blogger award.  That made my day.
... what 159.6 looks like on the scale.  Finally!!!!


Absolutely, Positively Josie said...

cograts on the scale win! i would like to try cauliflower that way but never looked up a recipe. i've heard it's like mashed potatoes? i like roasted cauliflower a lot. maybe i'll try it one day.
keep moving!

Diz said...

Congrats on finally breaking through to the 150's!!!!! YAY!!!