Thursday, February 18, 2010

Hamburger Pie

If anyone has picked up the new Mar/April issue of Weight Watcher Magazine, I recommend trying the hamburger pie featured on page 72.  I just had it for supper, its really really good and *bonus* my boyfriend loved it.  He's always my gauge as to whether a recipe is too "diety" (if that makes sense).. and it passed the test.  Now, in keeping in line with the ground turkey kick I'm on, I substituted it, other than that I followed the recipe to a T.  Anyway, just wanted to share.  Its so not my style to try a recipe out of a magazine but I saw hamburger pie...???  sign me up :)  And as I've said before, I totally dig recipes that consist of ingredients I have on hand anyway.  If anyone tries it let me know what you thought, or if you want the recipe let me know, I'll hook you up.  Enjoy!!


Diz said...

Send me the recipe girl! HEARTS!!!