Monday, May 17, 2010

Today I learned...

... that my family all had a wonderful time in Cuba and they're back safe & sound.
... that La Vie En Rose is expensive and that trying on bathing suits when you're 2 feet from the mirror - not a good idea.  I had to buy a pair of shoes just to make myself feel better.
... that even though I run, my legs are in rough shape.  I need an new exercise to tone them.. ugh


Lindsay said...

Trying on swimsuits is never fun! I way prefer shoes.

Unknown said...

shoes make me everything better! :) hehe

Genie @ Diet of 51 said...

Uggghhh, don't remind me about swimsuit season. Although we have a pool in our subdivision, I've conveniently managed to avoid the swimming experience for the past couple of summers.

Need a pair of red shoes, though, to brighten up my summer.

How about a little spray tan for your legs?

Diz said...

Trying on swimsuits is tempting suicide for me just about every time, 2 feet from the mirror or not.

I want new shoes too though. Maybe that would make ME feel better too...hmmm...

Beth Allums said...

just a little tan is all you need - and mail order swim suits - never try them on in a store - ever