Friday, March 5, 2010

159 you are my Everest!

Oh my 159.. you're killing me!  Last week before I went to WW I weighed myself and was 160.0!  As you may have read I'm a tad excited about being in the 150's... well so I figured by Wednesday for sure this week I'd be under 160.   Wednesday I weighed 160.0...  oooooooohh Thurs for sure then, Thursday - 160.6!!! wth?  Today - 160.2.  I have been dancing around it all week, can quite get under that 160.0... its so frustrating.  I tried to be positive and laugh about it like my scale was just playing some silly joke on me and I should be a good sport but its like COME ON!  I ran 4 days this week totaling 12 miles and I shredded once,  I should have knocked this week out but sometimes the scale just doesn't agree with me, oh and btw one thing I now know I cannot keep in the house, Fat Free Cool Whip.  If I don't have a big loss this week I'm sure I'll find a reason why.. lol. 
This morning I also went thru a tons of my clothes at the back of my closet..  wowsa.  I got rid of some big ass clothes... and some I really was sad to get rid of but oversized jeans are just not flattering.  My "go to" capris that I've worn for years got perged too *tear*, I put them on and walked around and they just fell off.  They're all in a bag now and going to good will because you may know how I feel about passing on fat clothes. *** I blogged this a while back but I don't know how to link to my previous posts *** 
There's not a whole lot else going on, weigh in tomorrow.  I don't know how to feel about it, I guess I'll see but however it goes I'll be alright.  I'm handling small loses much better than I though I would considering most of my losses are good.  I thought I would feel like I should lose big every week but I'm actually feeling like my success is sort of a pat on the back when I have a small gain/loss.  Positive positive positive!


Beth Allums said...

I feel your pain. I am dancing with the 180's stuck at 188 - down to 187 back to 188, down to 185 today - let's see what the weekend brings.
You will do it - in it's own time, and for good! When the 160s go it will be forever.

Diz said...

If it makes you feel better, I'm dancing too. I wanted so bad to be out of 140's this week or next, but it just ain't going to happen this week, that's for damn sure. I just hope I don't gain this wk. :/ But it's like you said, celebrate the little losses, cause it will come soon enough! And a loss is a loss is a loss is a loss! :)