Monday, February 1, 2010


First thing this morning I got all geared up ready to go for a jog. I drove to the track and it was a sheet of ice. Its days like this I really miss having a treadmill. Since I was already in my workout gear I came back home and "Shredded" right away. I got a nice sweat-on doing the shred but its just not the same. I need my jog! I never realized how much until I go this many days without it. I haven't jogged since thursday. I am loving the shred but if I only do that 25 min workout per day I just don't feel like I burnt as many calories as I could and should.
I also feel like I really need a hobby, this boredom I'm feeling lately is just making me want to eat... between lunch and dinner feels like a lifetime and snacks just are not cutting it. I could eat 4 snacks in the afternoon and still be unsatisfied. Its just not a great couple of weeks for me and its clear why I've hit a plateau. What do I do to cure the winter boredom not only with the day but with my diet?